
Photo taken Midsummer on the South Island of New Zealand 2019

Photo taken Midsummer on the South Island of New Zealand 2019

Midsummer balances in the trees

And I feel trusting of that joy.

Existing in the happy chaos of discovery,

A singing fish, I search out this element.

Long hidden beneath the surface calm,

Forgotten, the playful thrill

of swift current, the dance of rock and rapid.

Lost for a moment in some back eddy.

Now I swirl forward, splashing, leaping.

I am the silver flash of change,

seen within the inner eye.

Things of the earth mingle with me,

and I, with them.

The membrane breaks, all rushes out.

Stretching to this intention like a seed

And straining to come to form,

I sink down deep to rise up high

Like the river that carries me on.