Arm on the Farm
I had made it through 64 years nearly with no body art. Never thought about it again since my elementary aged children talked me out of going with friends for a tat, 30 years ago. But then, out of the unconscious, all 6 symbols came to me in a dream ( 6 is my personal magickal number).Waking with them in my mind, I felt directed to put them in order, and have them permanently placed on my body. I was sure that the design was to be made vertical, their meaning easily seen by me anytime, and placed on my non-dominant, receiving side. Lower inner arm was an easy decision, and I felt the story being told began with the circle image (spirit).The double chevron (creating our own reality) follows, and the elemental compass, central, honoring my spiritual path. Below it, comes a mountain symbol for adventure. Then, the chevron over an open triangle (being open to movement and change). And finally at the bottom, Awen, a Celtic/ Druid symbol with its the 3 rays of light denoting “flowing inspiration” (poetry, music, creation…), and the 3 dots, drops from the cauldron of the goddess Cerridwen (knowledge, transformation, rebirth). Awen is seen as divine essence. 3’s dominate Celtic patterns and knots (spirit, mind, body; sky, earth, sea; past present, future…) I asked my talented son, Schuyler for help joining them together, to make a more artistic design. He and I agreed on his vision, adding 2 small dots and 1 larger, creating what I now have on my arm. After i lived with it awhile, I noticed the story meaning can be read or told from both top or bottom.
Not long after, I left on a 4 month adventure in the Mountains of Michoacan Mexico, having never been out of country before. That is a story of beauty I blogged about elsewhere, culminating in 3 days with the Monarch butterflies. Over the winter of 2019, my lifetime dream came true when I traveled solo again, to New Zealand for the full season there. The communion and solitude I found in that paradise changed me. The life map my tattoo provides everyday reminds me to follow inner guidance, and trust it wholeheartedly. After my return, everyone soon asked “Where are you going next?” and I answered from my knowing, “This is my sacred West Virginia winter”. Spending it here in my home mountains has been a great adventure of a different sort, but just as meaningful and interesting. Time has been dedicated to rumination and reflection, reacquaintance and resilience. It led me to open an office in town, being less solitary, and more willing to be known in my community and the world. Trusting my intuition was good, with the Covid-19 showing itself. Although sadly having clients on my table came to an abrupt stop, the open time allowed me to devote myself to creating this webpage w/ my designer friend up north, dream new dreams, create a new reality, while remaining open to change. So, my first Tattoo has become my WisdomWays brand logo. Until the website process began, it had not been clear to me, but then suddenly, it was. Seems just right. I carry it with me everywhere I go. As Don Oscar Miro Quesada says, “We are creativity, creating creation.” Led by spirit, fueled by inspiration, with my spiritual compass which embodies all times, worlds, and possibilities, I am finding my way each moment.