Nearby pond
We are creatures of the water.
Our summer survival sends us to it.
You will find us where salt air moves through pine and palmetto.
Amidst the splash and churn, we ride the shoulders of the waves.
You will find us among blackberry vines on banks of secret ponds.
Like the Great Blue, we are lulled to listen and know stillness.
Yet, we dance and leap with gleaming trout and crafty bass.
We swoop and dive, free as the swift eyed pelican.
We float and frisk, plunge and play.
Seekers of swimming hole creeks, woodland rivers and runs,
We rise early, before the heat makes us lazy,
And stay late for the pleasures found in lengthening shadows,
Always taking shelter beneath the trees and clouds,
And refuge in the water.
The Greenbrier River near Hillsboro late summer