2 pieces on the garden wall
I haven’t written about stones for awhile, always kind of letting them decide who and when.They have been unpacked and cleansed and settling in for a few weeks now. Today when I went in to the healing space to strip the bed, I heard Celestite ask to move off the window sill, letting me know that they did not like it there. So, I asked them where, and like an orchid… in the light, but not direct light, now for these beauties. I asked if they wanted to be my subject of a writing. I felt their response was joy, so here goes.
Celestite resonates with both water and wind elements, aligning with 5th, 6th, 7th, chakras and all etheric chakras above the head. Found in the interior of geodes, or in clusters, this heavenly blue stone is associated with the celestial realms. An important stone for these times, celestine has within it the energy to accompany human consciousness into higher realms, where we can experience the vastness of the sky, free from thoughts and concerns of our physical life here on earth. Its gentle energy and ice blue ray offers deep peace and embodies tranquility, allowing our mind to transcend into upper levels of being. There is a quiet strength in the message celestine brings. It tells us, if we can open our minds to the vastness of spirit, we will be supported through the difficulties of our time in “earth school”. Placed on the third eye, Celestine opens us to possibilities of a new blueprint for peaceful existence on our planet…one that can be made real in the physical world.This sparkling ally is a perfect stone for awakening the visionary aspect of who we truly are, and showing us our divinity. We begin to “see” heavenly messages for us out in the world. With this stone in hand, an envisioning awareness is activated and is available for creating solutions to problems, personal and planetary. Restoration of harmony is possible and we feel uplifted by celestite’s energy in these challenging times.
Celestine from a slice of geode
At the same time it provides strong personal security as we move dimensionally from lower levels of thinking and more into pure being. We find flow is more easily accessed. As it is also a stone of communication, our abilities to connect with angelic spirits (especially the archangels), beings from beyond earth, and even our departed loved ones, is heightened when used in meditation, and is our intention. Excellent for calming an over active mind, this stone can be especially valuable at times of emotional upheaval. Celestite offers serenity as well as comfort when grieving, allowing tears to come, a release of emotions, and seeing the bigger picture. There is a strong maternal energy present in Celestite, which makes it a wonderful stone to keep in a child’s room, or anywhere, really. Maybe place a cluster on your work desk or by your bed (as it is also valuable to use in dreamwork). Pieces of rose quartz, amethyst, and celestine together create a triumvirate of love, peace, and connection to the Divine.
On the physical plane, celestite soothes inflammation, clears infections, and relaxes tense muscles or muscle spasms. This ally is also good for issues with the eyes.
Small polished pieces for a pocket or layout.