
As you may expect from its name, this stone is a natural magnet. It is how the Chinese first developed the magnetic compass, and for centuries influenced adventure and travel all around the world. Associated with all chakras, and with earth is its element, magnetite connects them with all the nourishment that earth energy offers. It is equally grounding and attracting, so a powerful ally when working to manifest in the physical plane. Once you are clear on what you want, magnetite can assist you in drawing it to you. It aligns us with earth’s magnetic field yet connects us to higher consciousness energies, as a reminder that we are children of both our planet and Source beyond it. Keep magnetite near to alleviate distraction, filter information, and help us get better organized in the day to day.

This ally will also help us sort through our emotions and gain clarity, regarding all our relationships when we are feeling conflicted. A soother to the emotional body, magnetite decreases and balances hormonal fluctuations that may at times create chaos in our mood. It is a gentle, but thorough neutralizer of grief, fear, and anger - excellent for eliminating toxins from the body. Holding a magnetite in each hand can help balance brain energy, keep energy running through the meridians smoothly, and eliminate unproductive spaciness.

In healing work it is a wonderful stone for unblocking, releasing, and balancing energy, though a layout on the body is dependent upon what exactly is needed. Magnetite works in beautiful synergy with other stones. Beneficial during times of recovery, this stone adds strength due to its stimulation of circulation, lymph function, and vascular wellbeing. Because of its high iron content, magnetite supports those with anemic issues, or injuries that would heal better with enhanced blood flow to the area.
