These lovely stones are a type of dogtooth calcite known as stellar beam. All the various calcites are wonderful allies. If I had to choose but one stone to use in healing, calcite with its wide variety of energies and colors might be my choice. They are powerful yet gentle, cleansing yet restorative, helping move us through our old issues w/ friendly support. These stellar beams are associated w/ the elements of fire and storm and the 3rd, 6th & 7th chakras as well as the transpersonal/ etheric chakras above the head. Because it activates the higher centers and grounds energy through the solar plexus, stellar beam calcite connects higher levels of consciousness with clarity, focus, and will, linking the parallel realities of spirit and matter. This stone challenges our minds to think beyond self imposed limited awareness and conceive of new potential and possibilities. With a stellar beam in your hand you will find the courage needed to take evolutionary steps, and make the necessary shifts in consciousness to do so. Use it to confidently manifest your goals and allow your light to shine bright on the world.The golden beam is fearless and brings dynamism to our lives.They are wonderful to carry when we are in the midst of letting go of the false security of old patterns. In the environment they emit their uplifting energetic essence. Treat these calcite allies with full respect and use consciously and they will be at the ready. In a healing layout they may be placed either on various energy centers and used in concert w/ other gemstones and crystals. I particularly like to use them w/ black tourmaline and other calcite cousins.They are also excellent tools for psychic surgery to remove blockages. Stellar beams also assist us in aligning w/ our highest guides, angels and other lightbeings.