Blue, golden and red tiger eye pieces
When we think of Tiger Eye, we likely see a opaque, but chatoyant banded golden and brown stone. We also can find both blue ( known as hawk’s eye) and red tiger eye, and I will return to them later, but I am concentrating here on the more commonly known one. It is a fascinating stone that carries a high vibrational charge with the two separate and distinct energies within it. Tiger eye’s two different rays, the deep brown of the earth/root, and the gold of the fire/solar plexus are balanced, in the hara or navel 2nd chakra. This ally’s frequency demands respect, as it brings the energies of heaven to earth, elevates and anchors them. As a supporter of life force vitality and balancer of polarities or understanding of perceived differences, tiger eye is second to none. This stone resonates with the first three chakras, yet provides great mental clarity, promoting imagination and opening to possibilities, while we still remain grounded. With this stone in hand, we feel enlivened and empowered. Tiger eye assists us when we need to persevere, banishing discouragement along the way.
This stone ally is especially good for releasing feelings of jealousy or envy. Mastering our emotions during times of turmoil and change will be supported when we keep it nearby. Wearing this stone against the skin, or placing it on the solar plexus for short intervals while laying down, is recommended when emotions need stabilizing. We can relate to the solar energy it holds when light is needed to look past the illusions created on the physical plane. This shining stone can help us regain our sense of well being, keeping us aligned with our personal truth. Tiger Eye provides the will to get things done when we need confidence, or are caught in a place of self doubt and procrastination. As an amulet, this ally confers courage, and promotes decisiveness without a cloud of emotions.
Physically, this ally balances mood swings, strengthens our immune and endocrine systems and assists with ailments of the eyes and ears. Because of its support to our positive outlook, tiger eye also helps those with chronic pain, recommit to living life more fully. Aiding in the absorption of nutrients, tiger eye is beneficial to all digestive processes and is a blood detoxifier and builder.
Red Tiger Eye is a true root chakra stone with its banded shades of red and dark brown that resonate with both fire and earth. This stone carries a protective energy, deflecting all but what is for our best and highest good. As an ally, red tiger eye assists us when are are feeling particularly vulnerable, or weak emotionally, reminding us of our personal power, yet keeps us well grounded. Helping us remember we are safe AND powerful, red tiger eye adds enthusiasm and motivation to our spiritual practice and chosen career equally. Need a determination amplifier? Red tiger eye is a good choice. Stepping into our truth, and moving beyond “survival thinking” of just meeting basic needs, and more into our deeper desires, finds real support in this stone’s energetic message. In the physical body, red tiger eye strengthens our muscles, increases our vital life force( as does golden tiger eye). This stone is known to improve our sexual drive when it is weak or waning.
A red tiger eye heart
Hawk’s Eye (blue tiger eye) has a blue grey to blue green sheen, with contrasting bands of dark brown/ black. It is an emerging power stone for the 1st/root chakra, but also connects the 5th/throat, and the 6th/brow chakras, and resonates with air and earth. It offers a deep peace, acceptance, and healing to whatever our physical realities may be. Hawk’s eye is wonderful for working with “seeing” negative patterns that are manifesting disease. This ally symbolizes the hawk looking down from high above at earth, to see clearly all the occurrences and disturbances below, giving insight into the workings of 3-D living. With this ally in hand or on our body, we can have the broader vision needed to create the life we choose. Hawk’s eye energy feels inspirational, letting us see and approach life from a higher perspective. Physically this stone also helps eye and ear, plus throat problems, and is excellent for headaches, especially migraines. Hawk’s eye used together with golden tiger eye form a dynamic pair of stone allies. Using all three of the tiger eye’s together are a terrific healing triad.