Labradorite is special to me. Shortly after I was called to the work, this ally kept getting my attention in funny ways, “telling” me to keep it on my body or around me. All the crystals and gemstones I keep, have an energy or gift to share, but Labradorite brings forth one of my favorite things —Magick, both in receiving and sending/using it. It is a mystical stone resonating with all chakras, and aligning with the element of air/wind. This stones directs us to see the existence of multiple layers of reality, supports our relinquishing of the falsity of control, and allows us to access the hidden truths on the path to self mastery. Labradorite’s appearance is, deep and dark with flashes of blue, silver and gold brilliance, like a mirror, when held to the light — a big clue to the meaning of this stone. Powerful, penetrating to Source, where challenges can be brought into consciousness, and seen clearly, labradorite invites us to embark on a journey within of deep discovery. Expect a shattering of illusions when working with labradorite.
A stone of intuition, Labradorite creates a bridge to communication with higher energies and beings, stimulating our psychic gifts, such as clairvoyance. With this stone in your hand, we feel a deep protection, as it projects a force field throughout our aura, preventing energy leaks or attacks from outside that might attempt draining our physical or emotional energies. We may notice more synchronicities and a sense of timelessness with Labradorite, as it enhances our ability to stay in a place of higher awareness. With its help we see the bigger picture before us. We are able to visualize and express what we see and know to be true from an authentic place of wisdom.
This stone is a wonderful stone for healers of all sorts, doctors, nurses, therapists, social workers, and such. Also labradorite is excellent for teachers, aiding “seeing” into what is needed most by students, and supporting a stepping away from old tired belief systems. Physically, labradorite benefits any eye or neurological issues, (especially good for rebalancing brain chemicals) and is regenerative when one has deep fatigue. Labradorite also helps reveal the source and causes of illness that has been troublesome to diagnose, and then what is needed to get to the root of the problem.
Using this ally in ceremony or ritual work amplifies our connection with the unseen. Labaradorite puts us in touch with Great Mystery, enabling us to feel the pulse of source energy.
Labradorite Earrings and Ring