A selection of moonstone pieces
Though there are a few colors of this revered stone, all have association with the divine feminine and align with the brow and crown chakras (6th and 7th). I feel some pieces resonate more with the water element, and others more with air/wind. Moonstone represents mystery, the Goddess in her power, and enhances our psychic awareness. With this stone in hand our intuitive gifts grow and we find we are more trusting of those “knowings”. Use it for lucid dreaming or as a tool for greater understanding and clarity of information shared in our dreams. Keep it by the bed, in your pillowcase, or wear it to bed, if you have it in jewelry. You may have read not to use this stone feeling heightened emotions. I disagree strongly. This ally is a balancer of emotions, and its shining beauty restores emotional balance in both men and women. Helping men access their feminine more receptive side, moonstone leads them toward deeper awareness and communication of feelings, with a greater ability to listen/ “hear” others. For women, moonstone’s energy is supportive, calming and clarifying to our emotional body.
A soother when we are anxious or distraught, moonstone helps connect us to higher planes, allowing us to master our emotions, healing them by bringing them to our higher will. Then there is no need to repress or express. Moonstone stands as a high priestess at the gateway, helping us process our feelings and restore clarity to the situation. With this ally in hand we gain a higher perspective, see the bigger picture, our own place and purpose in life.
Second to none, moonstone assists our attunement to the cycles of life, within our own body, mind, and spirit, and also in the great spiral of life of which we are a part. With this nurturing stone, we can embrace a non linear way of thinking, increasing our wisdom for when to be patient, when to act, and to truly trust in divine timing. Use moonstone as a guide to self knowledge, and to clear the aura of any stuck or negativity in our energy field. Placing a piece of moonstone on the center of our chin (our “moon center”)and breathing deeply opens us up our intuitive and empathic gifts, and balances our emotions through all chakras.
Physically, for women, regardless of their age, will benefit from moonstone’s energy. It stabilizes menstrual cycle irregularities, assists with PMS or menopausal symptoms, and supports us in embracing where we are in our lives. For those desiring pregnancy, this stone increases female fertility and also aids in reducing water retention. Moonstone also is soothing to stomach distress and calms indigestion.
Here is a bit more specific information for types/colors of moonstone:
White Moonstone ~ representative of the full power of the full moon. Stimulates all types of psychic perception. Communication with higher realms and dream work. Opens the third eye. Empowers kundalini energy.
Peach Moonstone ~ a sweet nurturing and nourishing energy, encouraging seeing the positive in challenging situations. Awareness of divine love of the mother. Soothing for sensitive people, especially children.
Grey or New Moonstone ~ Holds the power and potential of the new moon. Magnifier of intention. Assists us in seeing beyond illusion. Guide for journeying into other dimensions or realms.
Rainbow Moonstone (my personal favorite) ~ Increases the “clairs” and all intuitive perceptions. Deflects densities and provides psychic protection.Purifies the emotional body, soothing trauma. Infuses the aura with frequency of joyful grounded energy. Can also assist in Rainbow Body activation and empower us with Goddess energy.
Rainbow moonstone necklace