Having just written about the brilliant blue azurite, I follow today with the more commonly known and found, sodalite. This ally is another deep blue stone that has called to me recently, moreso, though I have always admired, and respected it’s power. There are some similarities between these two, but of course, each has its own very specific vibe. Sodalite has white veins of calcite within it (with a wonderful healing energy of its own), or sunset sodalite has veins of an orange feldspar known as sunstone ( another important healer and energizer) within it. Aligning with the wind/air element, sodalite provides a stone with qualities of great benefit in healing work, be it personal or professional. Sodalite was considered to be a protection stone in Africa. The Greeks and Celts considered it a stone of prophecy.
As with azurite, this ally is a stone of insight, resonating with the 5th(throat chakra) and the 6th, (brow/ third eye chakra). A blue stone of awakening, sodalite prepares the mind to receive greater intuitive wisdom,(“sight”) and creates an easy channel from the mind to out throat to use our voice of authenticity out in the world. Of all the blue stones, sodalite is probably the most dense, therefore grounding in its energy. With its frequency, sodalite calms and clears the mind, yet guides us to delve into paradox and contradictions within life, ourselves and others. With this stone in hand, we find an ability to better integrate ideas and differences within our thought processes, finding the necessary discipline, efficiency, and organisation for our earthy pursuits. Sodalite is a wonderful ally to take with us on our personal spiritual journey. With its help we can go deep into the subconscious and do the necessary work with greater ease.We know this may be challenging, but sodalite provides support for the dogged persistence and courage we need to “see” and make the progress we seek.
A sodalite pendulum and various pieces
Using this blue stone, opens a portal to truly trusting our intuition in ways that positively affect our lives, releasing us from self judgement, and self doubt when decision making. This ally will show us our life lessons, and where we are on our path to understanding them. Sodalite’s groundedness keeps the magick real as we grow spiritually, keeping us unattached to ego as we progress. Want to detach, use sodalite. Need direction, use sodalite. Want to move away from over emotionalism toward balance and stability, keep sodalite near. Old mental patterns can be released more easily with this stone ’s energy, guiding us into the realm of more conscious thinking.Think of the white lines, as the light that comes through like stars in a clear blue night sky, or the orange lines as energy from the fiery core of the earth that brings us to a place of truthful, creative joy. Sodalite bolsters our faith in ourselves, supporting us as we work through any fears, guilt, or shame that still reside within us.
A sunset sodalite pendant
I have found this stone to prefer direct placement on the skin, on any energy centers or held in the palm to have the most strongly positive effect. Place it to purify the mind, calm anxiety, activate the pineal gland, release anger or any rampant emotion, focus attention, mediate. Physically, sodalite assists in assimilating calcium, balancing metabolism, cleanse the organs and lymphatic system, and reduce fever and blood pressure. This stone also stimulates fluid absorption, preventing water retention, and is an emotion and physical balancer for those that suffer wih PMS or menopausal symptons. Sodalite’s calming presence can relieve any conditions caused by inflammation. An excellent choice for students, teachers, writers or business people, this blue stones is a true multi purpose ally.
Sunset sodalite palmstone